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The Move of the Holy Spirit of God


This series helps the believer to understand the different types of anointing and how to recognize when and how the Spirit of God is moving.


 The Move of the Spirit of God:

Discover what the Bible teaches regarding the Move of the Holy Spirit.  and allow yourself to be used mightily by the Spirit of God as He moves in you and thru you. Discover what it means to 'be anointed". What is the anointing of God? Am I anointed? How does God move by His Holy Spirit? What does it mean to 'yield to the Holy Spirit'?

This powerful 2 CD series uses Scripture to teach us:
• Part 1:
The Different Kinds of Anointing, Corporate and Individual Anointings, and much more

• Part 2: How to Yield to the Holy Spirit, How to walk in the Power of the Spirit, How to be Used by the Holy Ghost and more.

Free with your Donation of $18.00


Part1: Understanding the Anointings: It is extremely important to notice in the Gospels that Jesus never did even one miracle until He was anointed by the Holy Ghost. It was only after the Spirit of God - the power that comes with the infilling (anointing) of the Holy Ghost that he began to minister with Power and Authority. Part of this series teaches us the different Kinds of anointing (Individual and corporate anointings) plus much more. Free with your Donation of $12.00


Part 2: Yielding to the Spirit: To often people are so busy looking for the spectacular that they miss the supernatural moving of the Spirit of God. More often than not the sense God's presence and many even realize that God is attempting to move by His Spirit but they just don't know how to yield to what he is endeavoring to do. This teaching will help you to recognize and understand when the Holy Ghost is moving and how to yield to Him when He does. Free with your Donation of $12.00




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