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Bible Study: God and the Gay and Lesbian Lifestyle |
Scripture Reference:
A Controversial Subject: Fortunately we have clear understanding what God Himself thinks of it because He has given us His Final Word on the subject - in His Word (The Bible). Naturally, in order to accept this as His Word, one must first agree that that God does exist, and then agree that the Bible is His Word to mankind. Not everyone will agree to this - however it is the only way we can discuss the subject from a Biblical perspective.
However, let us agree (if just for the sake of discussion) that God does exist, and that the Bible IS His word.
Two Important Disclaimers:
However, God hates sin! That being said - The First thing we can see from the Bible is that it was prophesied (predicted) that in the days prior to the return of Jesus that there would be many people who run from the truth of the Bible and instead believe many false beliefs regarding a number of subjects: “Now the Spirit (of God) speaks clearly, that in the last days some shall depart from the faith (of that which is taught in the Bible), giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils…” [1 Timothy 4:1] Notice that there will be many things taught (in and out of the church) that will be in direct contradiction to the Word of God -and the Bible calls them “doctrines of demons”. Two of those false doctrines being taught today are:
Let us deal with each of these individually: Yet, nowhere on the entire earth is there any other species other than man who exhibits this tendency. And with good reason, if this were truly the case it would not be long before the species vanished for lack of reproduction that can only be done thru the mating of a male with a female of the species. Secondly, God has said clearly in His word that homosexuality is not just sinful - but it is an abomination. [Leviticus:20:13] "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." In the New Testament, the Apostle Jude prophesied (by the Spirit of God) - and predicted certain things that will happen in the Church itself. “…. I felt forced to write you because some men have come in secretly. I am begging you to fight for the faith which God passed on to the holy people once for all time. These men don’t want God. Long ago it was written that they would be condemned. They are turning away from the gracious love of our God to orgies and unclean sexual activity, rejecting Jesus Christ, our only Lord and Master. [Jude:1:4 Message Bible] Notice that these men reject the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ (as taught in the Bible) and choose instead sexual orgies and unclean sexual activity.) The Apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus said much the same about these individuals: And exactly what does the Bible (God’s infallible word) say about the result will be for these
individuals? God hates homosexuality - but not the homosexual! In this society of the 21st century where men have embraced the idea of tolerance and political correctness instead of the Word of God - it is not surprising to see that people have trouble believing the Bible - and that there are indeed things that God has condemned. Yet, there is hope for all! Despite any personal feeling we may have on the subject - God loves them - and has provided a way out for them - regardless of their present lifestyle. As Jesus told us in the Gospel of John: Acceptance of Jesus Christ thru repentance and turning away from homosexuality is the answer for the homosexual. As for us:
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