The Supernatural Provision of God
Scripture Reference:
"But you shall [earnestly] remember
the Lord your God, for it is He Who gives you power to get wealth, that
He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, (even) as
it is this day." [Deut 8:18 AMP]
"And God is able to make all GRACE (every favor and earthly blessing)
come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all
circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing
enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every
good work and charitable donation]." [2Cor 9:8 AMP]]
Did you notice what the above scriptures promise? Almighty God, our
heavenly Father has stated in His Word that HE has promised (guaranteed
and confirmed) that he has given us POWER to prosper!
He has given us the means and the ability to obtain the supply,
provision, and abundant prosperity that we need - not only to
be totally self-sufficient requiring no aid or support - but also to
have an abundance of provision so as to be able to help out anyone else
with every good work and charitable donation. And it is ALL done because
of His GRACE!
What a Promise?
But, even after decades of the church trying to obtain this promise one
has to be blind, deaf and dumb not to recognize that either God was
mistaken when HE promised this - or there has been a power 'failure' in
the church!
Can I let you in on a little secret? It's the question that even
ministers are secretly asking themselves: "Where's the Power?" It's been on everyone's
mind - yet very few are willing to discuss it openly.
Consider the fact that the prosperity message has been taught in the church for
almost 40 years now - and despite all the teaching on it - the church
has not only FAILED to enter into the supernatural prosperity that the
Bible promises - but as a whole the church is farther in debt than ever
before! Even worse, many ministers and even whole ministries are as
much in debt as the rest of folks - with little or no hope of ever
getting out of debt.
Let's be honest with ourselves. Most people, while
having an appearance of prosperity - are in reality mortgaged in their
homes, their buildings, their automobiles, and just about every other
item they have.
Additionally, most folks have purchased the majority of what they posses
with credit-cards, home-equity loans or other financing options. What
that means is that most Christians do NOT own what they have - the bank
or finance company owns it and most are just paying constantly for the
right to 'use' it.
Brethren, this is NOT what God has promised in His Word. The WORD of GOD
not only gives us an exact description of what the prosperity of GOD
looks like - but it also states quite clearly that DEBT is not
prosperity but is in fact part of the curse! [Deut 28:44]
When the Lord first began to talk to me about this I was stunned as well
as confused as to why this was so.
After much prayer seeking the answer to this question; the Lord began to reveal (thru His Word) WHY this is so -and HOW
the Biblical principles of God's provision for the church became
corrupted by the traditional teachings and doctrines of men.
When, one begins to recognize the basic principles of God's GRACE (as
taught in His Word) for provision and supply for the New Testament
believer - it won't be long before we come to the point where we can no
longer reconcile what the WORD of GOD teaches - with the traditional
teachings that are commonly believed today.
And recognizing this, it becomes evident both in scripture - as well by
the failure of the Church to OBTAIN the promises - that most in the Body
of Christ today have failed to understand the manifest GRACE of God for
provision and prosperity for the New Testament Church as defined in the
Word of God.
Even worse is the fact that in failing to 'understand' how GRACE
applies to the area of financial supply and provision, the church has
adopted instead, a doctrine of 'grace + works' that neither agrees with
scripture nor has it brought forth the manifestation of the prosperity
that this 'grace + works' doctrine promises.
Most Christians realize that 'salvation' (eternal life) is the 'gift' of
God - and is made available by GRACE thru faith. Right?
However, the majority of those same Christians have a deep
misunderstanding of what the Word of God teaches regarding that SAME
GRACE when applied to ALL of the other blessings of God - and especially
in the area of supernatural provision and supply.
What we have is a multitude of God-loving people doing their very best
to 'honor God' with their finances - most doing their very best to
qualify for financial blessing from the Lord. Yet, never realizing that
what the Body of Christ has done is to create 'grace + works' doctrine
(a mixture of Grace, and works) that has in the process nullified the
power of God to manifest the promises of provision and supply by GRACE
thru faith. [Mark 7:13 • Gal 5:4]
This 'grace + works' doctrine (a combination of Grace,
and works) has been prominently taught in the church for almost 40 years
now with very little if any results! The church is no closer today to
entering into the supernatural prosperity that the Bible promises than
it was before we began teaching it. Worse: As a whole the church is
farther in debt than ever before! Yet, we continue to preach it - teach
it and follow it even though it has produced very little, if anything!
My friends it is foolishness to continue to do the same thing and expect
different results. We need to face the fact that if it hasn't worked in
40 years - it just isn't going to work! We missed it, and we need
to get it right if we are going to enter into the promised
blessing of supernatural provision and supply!
Honoring God with our finances - and giving generously (sowing) IS
definitely taught in scripture! And, honoring
God with our finances is the RIGHT thing to do on every occasion!
However, is this doctrine of qualifying for financial blessing and
provision based upon what WE do with our finances what the 'scriptures'
teach - or is it something that we have invented? Let's find out.
Consider the following admonitions from the Word of God:
"If it is the adherents of the Law who are to be
the heirs (those who 'qualify' for the blessing thru their works), then
faith is made futile and empty of all meaning and the promise [of God]
is made void (is annulled and has no power)." [Rom 4:14 AMP]
"Therefore, inheriting the promise is the outcome
of FAITH and depends [entirely] on FAITH, in order that it might be
GIVEN as an act of GRACE (unmerited favor), to make it stable and valid
and guaranteed to all his (Abraham's) descendants--not only to the
adherents of the Law, but also to those who share the FAITH of Abraham,
who is [thus] the father of us all." [Rom 4:16 AMP]
Notice that the promises of God (ALL the promises
including supernatural provision and supply) are dependent
ENTIRELY upon not what WE 'do' - but rather on what CHRIST has
done FOR us! And, just as with receiving eternal life, all we have to do
is BELIEVE it - and RECEIVE it by FAITH.
Let me ask you a question: Does GRACE apply to everything under the 'New
Covenant' - or are some things omitted? Let's examine some things that
the BIBLE teaches regarding grace and put it to the test.
Eternal Life:
MOST know that according to Eph 2:8-9 that it is by GRACE thru faith
that we obtain the promise of 'salvation' (eternal life). Right?
Justification / Sanctification:
SOME know that it is by GRACE thru faith that we are justified before
God (deemed guiltless) [Read: Rom 3:24]
A FEW know that we are MADE the righteousness of God by GRACE thru
faith. [Read: Rom 1:17 • Rom 3:22 • Rom 4:3 • Rom 5:17 • 2 Cor. 5:21]
Even LESS know that it is by GRACE thru faith that we obtain the promise
of healing that is available to EVERY believer in every situation:
[Read: Matt 8:17 • 1 peter 2:24 • Rom 8:11 • Rom 5:2,17]
For all of the above it is fairly evident (even to the most unlearned
among us) that NOTHING we 'do' can, or will qualify us for any of
the these things once we understand the proof of these truths as shown
forth in the WORD of God.
Here is where most people abandon the principals of GRACE.
Bring up the issue of the supernatural financial provision and
prosperity, or even just the supernatural supply of God to simply meet
our needs - and suddenly grace no longer applies. And, what do
we have instead?
Most people will immediately revert back to the system of WORKS
to qualify us. In other words our qualifications for the supernatural
blessing of God on our finances suddenly becomes based upon what WE do -
instead of what CHRIST did FOR us.
This is despite the clear and unmistakable statement given us by GOD in
[2 Cor. 8:9] that it is by GRACE (and Grace alone!) that we
qualify for financial prosperity, provision and supply. We do NOT
qualify by what WE do -but rather by what CHRIST has done
FOR us!
"For you know the GRACE of our Lord Jesus
Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor,
that you through his poverty (what HE did for us) might be rich."
[2 Cor. 8:9]
What amazes me so much is the fact that even though we often quote the
above verse, few have actually noticed that the verse starts off with
these words: "For you know the GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ".
The reality is that very few recognize and understand that this passage
is emphasizing GRACE for provision and prosperity! Yet, it seems that
the church is unwilling to accept the truth of the statement and instead
prefers to teach the current traditions of qualification for blessing
based upon what WE do with our finances instead of what CHRIST did for
Brothers and sisters - it is time for us to open
our eyes to the fact that we have MISSED it when it comes to
understanding the GRACE of God for the promised blessing of supernatural
provision and supply. It is only after the Church abandons its belief that it is thru
our act of required sacrifice that
qualifies us for the prosperity of God - and accepts the truth of
2 Cor. 8:9 that the Church begin to access the supernatural supply
and provision of God as promised in His Word by GRACE thru faith.
"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace
with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:... By whom also we have
BY FAITH (not works) into this GRACE --wherein we stand!" [Rom
"Christ (the Word of God) is become of no effect
unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law (works); because you
are fallen from grace." [Gal 5:4 ]
EVERY promise of God made to the 'Church' is based upon the
FINISHED work of Christ on the cross - NOT on anything WE
do - have done - or will do. It is only in this manner that CHRIST
receives the glory and not us. And, it is only in this manner that we 'OBTAIN'
the blessings purchased by HIS sacrifice.
But what about Abraham?
What about Him? I realize that we love to talk about Abraham
and how he qualified for the supernatural
blessing of God on his finances based on what he did: But,
look at what the scriptures say:
"If in fact (notice the word
"IF"), Abraham was justified by works, he
would have something to boast about—but not before God. What does
the Scripture say? "Abraham BELIEVED God, and it was credited to him as
righteousness.... (for) the man who has NOT works but trusts God
... , his FAITH (in What God has promised and done for Him) is
credited as righteousness.... Therefore, the promise COMES BY FAITH,
so that it may be by GRACE and may be guaranteed to all
Abraham's offspring — not only to those who are of the law but also to
those who are of the FAITH of Abraham. He is the father of us all."
[Rom 4:2-5,16]
Could it be explained to us any clearer? It wasn't what Abraham
did that qualified him for blessing - it was the trust and faith
he placed in what God had promised! FAITH! He obtained the promised
after he believed - not after what he did.
"It was not through law (works) that
Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of
the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith."
[Rom 4:13]
The principal of sowing and reaping is a principal taught in the Word of
God regarding increase - and it IS relevant
to the New Testament believer.
But, we are not talking about increasing what the Lord has
given us (here!)- we are talking about receiving what is
already given us as our inheritance - and as our rights and
privileges as children of God. And we have an inheritance
that guarantees the supply and provision of God for every need - on
every occasion - in every circumstance based upon what Christ has
already done FOR us - not what we do today.
Somehow the church has confused our inheritance which is given
by the grace of God thru the finished work of Christ on the cross
with the principal of increase thru sowing and reaping.
• "...your Father knows what things ye have need
of, before ye ask him." [Matt 6:8]
• "And my God will meet all your needs according
to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."
[Phil 4:19]
Sowing and Reaping allows us to increase what has already
been given as our inheritance but it does not qualify us for
the inheritance that CHRIST died for in order to give us.
• "For you know the GRACE of our
Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became
poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich." [2 Cor
Brethren it is time to abandon this idea that we can qualify for
ANY blessing thru works of ANY kind - and instead RECEIVE the
abundance of GRACE for everything including eternal life,
righteousness, sanctification, healing and supernatural PROVISION &
Remember: "Therefore, since we have been justified
'through faith', we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
... through whom we have gained access BY FAITH into this GRACE
in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God."
[Rom 5:1 -2]
"Beloved, I wish above all things that you may
prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers." [3Jn 1:2]
I encourage you brethren to consider this - and begin to ask the Lord
for wisdom on this subject. Seek God! And, Study out for yourself the
scriptures regarding NEW TESTAMENT GRACE and how it applies to you in
every area.
Remember: The surest way to prevent one's self from ever learning
the truth - is to believe that we already know it!
"My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my
commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and
BRING YOU PROSPERITY. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind
them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you
will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the
LORD with all your heart and LEAN NOT TO YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING..."
[Prov. 3:1-5]
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