There are few words more harmful, dangerous ,or deadly to a
Christian than the words: "I can't". To speak those words, and similar
phrases such as "there's no way" - and "I don't see how" - is to state
that God's Word is NOT true, it cannot be trusted, and what the Lord has
said about us is incorrect. Consider the following statements contained
in the scriptures regarding US.
• "…I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me." [Philippians 4:13]
• "…In ALL things we are more than
conquerors through him that loved us." [Romans 8:37]
• "Whosoever that is born of God OVERCOMES
the world, and this is the victory that overcomes the world: Our FAITH"
[1John 4:4]
• Jesus Replied: "Everything is possible
for him who believes." [Mark 9:23 NIV]
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Considering the above scriptures, it becomes immediately apparent
that either the Lord was gravely mistaken when He inspired the Apostles
to write those statements in His Word, or WE have somehow missed it and
WE are wrong in our assessment of who we are - and what is possible to
us IN Christ.
Jesus proclaimed a definite fact when He boldly stated: "Everything is
possible for him who believes." [Mark 9:23 NIV]
He wasn't just trying to sound 'positive' - He wasn't just trying to
encourage us with some empty words - and He wasn't just exaggerating
things. He was endeavoring to show us that IN Him, and WITH God, ALL
things are possible! he wanted us to know that we CAN do what needs to
be done, we CAN overcome afflictions, sickness, disease, pain, lack etc…
and NOTHING is impossible to us providing we BELIEVE what He SAID and
act in accordance with His guidance and the instruction in the Word of
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