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Bible Study: Obtaining Your harvest


Part 1: The Law of Seedtime and Harvest

Listen Online to MP3!
Part 1:
How To Get Your Harvest
[Mp3 Format - 50.4 mg]
Part 2: Doing It God's Way
[Mp3 Format - 41.07 mg]
Part 3: Your Harvest Is In The Seed [Mp3 Format - 44.02 mg]
Part 4: Sowing in Faith [Mp3 Format - 39.05 mg]
Part 5: Seed-Supply-Harvest: Part1 [Mp3 Format - 63.02 mg]

Have you ever wondered:
• What is the Law of Sowing and Reaping?
• What Is the Law Seedtime and Harvest?
• How Do I Reap?
• What Is Sowing With A Purpose?
• Where Is My Harvest?
• Why Am I Not Reaping A Harvest?
• If God Wants Me to Prosper How Come I'm Not?
• Why do Christians Suffer Financially?
• Why Do Unbelievers Prosper and Christians Don't?
• How Come My Tithing Doesn't Work?
• Why Doesn't God Meet My Financial Needs?

These are questions that so many Christians are asking? And, the answers are found in the Word of God.

Scripture Study:
"But this I say, He which sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which sows 
bountifully shall reap also bountifully."[

Greetings Beloved of the Lord,
God has ordained supernatural prosperity for His people - Yet in most cases the children of God are walking far below the level of prosperity God intends for them - and promised to 
them in His Word.

It has been my experience that the primary cause of this is simply because the body of Christ has yet to understand that the Kingdom of God operates according to spiritual laws set in motion by God and described in detail in His Word.

And, if we are going to receive anything from God - it will always be in accordance with His Word. He will never break any of the spiritual laws He has decreed. 

Yet so often we have attempted to take 'short-cuts' or try to go around the spiritual laws that exist and try to obtain the promises even though we have failed to obey the spiritual laws that govern this planet and all of creation. 

Seedtime and Harvest:
"As long as the earth exists seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."[Gen:8:22]

One such Law that so many fail to operate properly in is the Law of "Seedtime and Harvest". 

God has set this law into motion - and if we are going to receive the results promised then we must operate according to the Law set forth by God.

Law of Sowing and Reaping:
"He that sows little shall reap little; and he which sows generously shall reap also generously." [2Cor:9:6] 

Too many Christians are still trying to reap where they have never sown. Or, they are trying 
to reap a generous harvest when they have sown sparingly! I also see so many who don't understand why they only reap sporadically (every-now-and-then) - without realizing that it's because they sow sporadically (every-now-and-then).

Yet the Word of God clearly states that if we want a continual and generous harvest - then we are going to have to sow continually and generously despite whatever state we are currently in, and we will never change our circumstances until we begin to operate according to the LAW of sowing and reaping.

This is one of the main reasons why they never see the promises of God manifested in their life. 

Again and again they attempt to 'stand in faith' and 'believe God' for a generous harvest - yet they have never sown the amount of seed necessary to obtain that kind of harvest.

Too often they will hear someone teaching or preaching on the blessings of prosperity as promised in the Word of God - and they endeavor to stand in faith and believe God for prosperity - yet they have never followed the instructions on how to obtain the prosperity by sowing faithfully and generously and continually.

Most shrink back after giving once or twice and think to themselves "That didn't work!" or "I can't afford it" - and in doing so they 'feint' and the promise never manifests because they slipped back.

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." [Gal:6:9]

"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that 
promised ..."

Breaking the Law:
For some odd reason, many Christians wrongly believe that a message on prosperity, or a prophetic word cancels out the spiritual laws that govern creation. This is a deception that the enemy has taught so as to keep these dear brothers and sisters from obtaining their harvest. 

There Are No Shortcuts:
The truth of the matter is simple and it is described in sufficient detail in these two passages: 

1] As long as the earth exists seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."[Gen:8:22]

2] "He that sows little shall reap little; and he which sows generously shall reap generously." [2Cor:9:6] 

There are no shortcuts to a harvest. Neither is there a substitute for sowing (planting seed). The ONLY way that we can 'stand in faith' for a harvest - is if we act in accordance with the Word of God and sow (plant seed)! 

The only way that we can possibly hope to see the prosperity (generous harvest) that the Lord promised - is if we act in accordance with His word (the spiritual Laws governing creation) and sow the seed necessary to obtain the promised harvest!

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." [Gal:6:9]

The Transfer of Wealth Prophesied in the Bible:
The Bible tells us that in these last days leading up to the return of Christ will see an incredible transfer of wealth from the world into the hands of those who have had their minds renewed to the promises of God - and will stand in faith by doing those things that the Word of God has said will produce the results we are all looking for! [Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-11]

"...but the sinner gathers and heaps up, that he may give to him that is good before God." [Eccl:2:26]

"A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just." [Prov:13:22]

This is talking about earthly wealth and material possessions! How do I know? Because the sinner has NO spiritual wealth - nor has he stored up any treasures in heaven - they are all right here on earth!

And those who will believe God's Word ABOUT THIS SUBJECT - and follow His instructions will see the manifestation of the promises in their Life.

So I encourage you today: 
If you have never seen the manifestation of the promised blessings of God in their fullness regarding supernatural provision and prosperity, take the time to study the scriptures on this subject - learn the basics of sowing and reaping and how to operate in the Law of Seedtime and Harvest.

Then - and only then begin to do the following consistently and faithfully:
Believe God for Seed to Sow
Sow Generously in Faith
• Believe God to Meet Your Need While the Seed Grows
• Believe God to Multiply the Seed Sown
• Believe God for A Generous Harvest
• Ask God to Show you Where Your Harvest Is
• Ask God to Tell you When the Harvest is Ready For Reaping
• And Finally, when the season of harvest arrives - REAP the Harvest by by Doing what God  
   Instructs You to Do

Faith Comes By Hearing and Hearing:
Many of you may have heard much of this before. Yet faith does NOT come by having heard - but rather by continual and constant hearing of the Word.

I encourage each of you to make it a point to download this series and listen to it regularly so as to enlarge your faith in this area. Remember: Great faith produces great results!

Obtaining Your Harvest:
To listen online or download this series click the links below: 
Part 1: How To Get Your Harvest
[Mp3 Format - 50.4 mg]
Part 2: Doing It God's Way
[Mp3 Format - 41.07 mg]
Part 3: Your Harvest Is In The Seed [Mp3 Format - 44.02 mg]
Part 4: Sowing in Faith [Mp3 Format - 39.05 mg]
Part 5: Seed-Supply-Harvest: Part1 [Mp3 Format - 63.02 mg]

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Help us to continue to provide these FREE teachings to the body of Christ - and to bold proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the World by becoming a partner with BibleCities Christian Fellowship. Your contribution not only helps us - but it also is the seed towards the harvest that the Lord has for you. [2 Corinthians 9:6-10]

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In addition to his contributions to this website Reverend W. C. Slyde Moran also has a weekly television show • Online Audio Studies • and an ever-increasing outreach ministry providing free Audio teachings on CD to enable the growth and maturing of the body of Christ.







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