How to Know When It Is God Speaking.
Does God Speak
to Us Today?
How Do I Know When it is God
Will God Speak to Me?
How Does God Speak to Us?
What Does it Mean When Someone Says "God
Spoke to Me"?
Who Can Hear From God?
These are the questions that so many
people are asking? And the answer to all of these is found in Scripture.
Scripture Study:
"Call unto me, and
I will answer you," [Jer:33:3]
"And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will
answer; [Isa:65:24]
When God Speaks:
A short time ago, a person came up to me and handed me a brand new, burgundy, leather bound, Zodhiates, Hebrew/Greek Key Study Bible: American Standard Version!
He just wanted to bless me - but here's what he DIDN'T know.
Part 1:
25 Years ago I received as a gift - a Zodhiates, Keyword Study Bible [KJV] - with a Hebrew/Greek dictionary and lexicon. (Leather Bound - Burgundy). It has been my primary study Bible ever since.
For those who don't know, Zodhiates is a Hebrew/Greek scholar - and this particular Bible includes the
literal translation for many of the words and phrases that have been translated into English -either incorrectly, or in a manner that does NOT really convey what the true meaning is behind the
original Greek/Hebrew word or phrase used.
When I was in school I actually studied the ancient languages, and I really like this Bible because I don't have to get up and look up words in my Hebrew and Greek dictionaries.
Even though I have many different Bibles, and different translations - I cannot stress strongly enough how much revelation I have received over the years thru the use of this Bible. It has been my very own, personal 'hot-line' to hearing from God thru the Word.
Frankly, I would almost feel 'lost' without it. That's how important it is to me.
Naturally, after 25 years it has become worn with use and age.
Time for a replacement:
Several months ago I began looking to replace it, but I was unable to find one in the burgundy, Leather bound version. (I just happen to love the Burgundy!)
Everywhere I looked I found only hardcover versions (which I am not particularly fond of) - and the leather bound came only in black - and like said: I wanted the Burgundy.
I told no one about this, and I didn't even ask the Lord for a replacement - I just assumed that the one I wanted was no longer
Let's get specific:
My current version is a KJV [King James Version], and I really wanted either a NKJV (New King James Version) or a NIV (New International Version). I personally LIKE the KJV - but teaching others using a KJV can sometimes be difficult for them.
The best of both worlds would be a combination of the two - something similar to the ASV (American Standard Version). But as far as I
knew, this particular Bible did NOT come in that version.
God Speaks:
"He will fulfill the desire of them that reverence him" [Ps:145:19]
Keep in mind that I told NOBODY about this - but last Saturday, that friend of mine (obeying the instruction of the Holy
Ghost - in other words: the voice of God) - gave me the exact Bible that I wanted! (I stress - EXACT)
Your Father knows what things ye have need of, before
you ask him." [Mt:6:8:]
"Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give
you the desires of your heart." [Ps:37:4]
Sound Amazing?
It is: sort of.
Actually, this type of thing should be COMMON for a Christian. Unfortunately,
there are 2 main reasons why it isn't:
Many Christians don't reverence God the way they should - and that prevents them from being blessed the way God wants to bless them.
Many Christians don't OBEY the prompting of the Spirit and so they neither bless OTHERS the way they should - nor do THEY receive the blessings of obedience the way they could.
"If you are willing AND obedient, ye shall eat the best of the land" [Isa:1:19]
Some are willing to be blessed but not obedient - others are obedient, but not willingly! In other words, they obey, but grudgingly - they really would prefer to do something other than what the Lord speaks to them about.
What most people do not consider is the fact that this blessing came THROUGH another person. Had that person failed to OBEY the prompting of the Spirit - I would not have been able to be blessed!
When I spoke with the person who gave me this Bible, he offered this testimony:
A few weeks ago while studying the Word he was prompted
(by the Spirit of God) to order a new study Bible. (In
other words - God spoke to him by His Spirit). At the time he ordered it, he THOUGHT that the Bible was for HIMSELF.
Very often the Spirit (God) speaks - He will NOT tell you WHY he wants you to do something - He just tells you to DO it:
Last Saturday, this individual attended our monthly Men's breakfast - and it was not until that very morning that
God spoke to him again about this Bible - and told him to give it to me! I imagine that he was probably as surprised about this as you might be!
He obeyed - and both of us were blessed.
The thing to keep in mind is this:
1] He did not HAVE to obey when God spoke to him by the Spirit and prompted him to order the Bible.
2] He did not HAVE to obey when God spoke to him by the Spirit and told him WHICH Bible to order.
3] He did not HAVE to obey when God spoke to him by the Spirit told him to give it to me
The up-side is that the Word PROMISES manifold blessings when we hear
Him - and obey Him.
"He that is faithful in that which is LEAST is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much." [Lk:16:10]
It might not SEEM like much - but how obedient you are in the LITTLE things will have a direct EFFECT on other things like:
-- Your finances
-- Your job
-- Your relationships
-- Your ministry
-- Etc
It may not SEEM like this little, insignificant act of just ordering a Bible, and then giving it
away is important - because it is such a LITTLE thing to do - but the RESULTS of obedience are NEVER little.
His lord said to him, "Well done, good and faithful servant; you hast been faithful over a few things, therefore I will make you ruler over many things.... " [Mt:25:23]
And the Lord said, "Who then is that faithful and wise servant, whom his lord will make ruler over his household, to give them THEIR REWARD in due season? .... Blessed is that servant, whom when his lord comes finds him doing what was commanded of him...Of a truth I say unto you, that he will make him ruler over all that he hath." [Lk:12:42-44]
If so, then be a faithful servant and obey when the Lord speaks.
Don't say to yourself: "Oh. That was just me?"
Don't ask: "Why Lord?"
Don't procrastinate.
Don't refuse?
Obey - and by doing so you will 'Eat the best of the land".
Do you Want God to Speak to you?
Then it is important that you listen when He does - and obey Him
in whatever He says to you.
God Does speak to us today - regularly!
How Does God Speak?
The answer is: 2 ways!
1] By His Word:
"God, who at sundry times and in divers manners
spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Has in these last days
spoken unto us by his Son (the Word of God)..."
[Hebrews 1:1-2 & John 1: 1, 14)
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow
me" [Jn:10:27]
2] By His Spirit:
"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."
"... To day if you hear his voice, do not
harden your hearts, as in the provocation." [Heb:3:15]
"The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of
God" [Rom:8:16]
God Speaks to Us:
"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the
Word (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost (the Spirit): and these three are one."
Yes, God does speak to us today! And He speaks primarily by 2
Thru His Word
By His Spirit (the inner witness or voice of God)
And so it is important that we listen to Him if we are to hear Him.
(What good does it do for Him to speak to us if we do not listen?
Begin With the Basics:
First: Pick up your Bible and begin to read it -
daily! And ask God to help you to understand
what He is saying in it. (After all - it does no good
to anyone if they don't understand what is written!).
God will answer you first of all by helping
you to understand what He has already said
in His Word. {Read James 1:5)
Second - learn how to become sensitive to His voice
when He speaks by His Spirit. You can
learn to do this - and you can get better at it by
"For when for the time you ought to be
teachers (already knowing the basics) , you have need that one teach you again
the first principles of the oracles of God; and
you are like babes who can drink only milk, and not of strong meat.
For every one that only drinks milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness: for he is
still a babe. But strong meat belongs to them that are
mature (grown up), and who by practice have
trained themselves to discern both good and evil (What
is God and What is Not)" [Hebrews 5:12-14]
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and to bold proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the
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with BibleCities Christian Fellowship. Your
contribution not only helps us - but it also is the
seed towards the harvest that the Lord has for you. [2
Corinthians 9:6-10]
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maturing of the body of Christ.