Yielding to the Holy Spirit
• How Do I Know When God is Talking to Me?
• What Does it Mean to Yield to the Holy Spirit?
• What Does it Mean to Follow the Holy Ghost?
• What Does it Mean to be Led by the Spirit?
• What Does it Mean to Walk in the Spirit?
• What Does it Mean to Be Led by the Holy Spirit?
Discover what the Bible says about the anointing and
the moving of the Spirit and how important it is for us to yield
to His leadings. Learn for yourself how to be led and
used by God in a powerful way as you yield to the moving
of the Holy Spirit.
following is a brief summary of the
complete audio teaching:
"Yielding to the Spirit"
from the series "The Move of the
Get the complete message on CD
and discover how to yield to the
Moving of God's Holy Spirit and be used
mightily by the Spirit
of God.
Click here for
Scripture Study:
"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God
spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." [2Pt:1:21] "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:"
"If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." [Gal:5:25]
Greetings Beloved of the Lord,
God has provided His Children with the supernatural
ability to hear and to be led by Him
thru the indwelling and infilling of the Holy Ghost -
and it is by the power of God's Holy Spirit that we are able to walk in
the Spirit filled with supernatural power and ability to accomplaish
GOd's will for us on this earth.
He has provided for each of us a supernatural
supply of information, power, wisdom, strength,
and more - and it's all available to every
Christian simply by knowing and accessing it
via His Spirit!
- "But
you shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost is come
upon you ... " [Acts:1:8]
- "For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the
supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ"
- "For as many as are
led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."
- "Likewise the Spirit also
helps us in our weaknesses" [Rom:8:26
- NIV]
- "That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to
be strengthened with
might by his Spirit in the inner man" [Eph:3:16]
We Have An Inheritance of
Supernatural Power and Ability:
Did you notice in the above scriptures that according
to God's Word: God has made available to every
born-again person who receives His Spirit the
- Supernatural Power [Acts:1:8]
- A Supernatural Supply of the Spirit
- Supernatural Guidance
- Supernatural Help [Rom:8:26]
- Supernatural Strength [Eph:3:16]
- Supernatural Peace [Jn:14:27 • Phil:4:7]
- Supernatural Protection [Psalm 91
• Psalm 34:7]
Unfortunately most Christians have little or no
knowledge of the fact that these gifts are available to
them, nor do they understand how to access them or use
"For the natural man is not able to
receive the things of the Spirit of God: for they seem foolish to him, and he is not able to have knowledge of
them or understand then, because
such knowledge comes only through the Spirit." [1Cor:2:14 BEV]
To often people are so busy looking for the
spectacular that they miss the supernatural moving of the Spirit of God.
More often than not the sense God's presence and many even realize that
God is attempting to move by His Spirit but they just don't know how to
yield to what he is endeavoring to do. This teaching will help you to
recognize and understand when the Holy Ghost is moving and how to yield
to Him when He does.
Learn the basic Bible principles of:
• How
to hear God When He speaks
• How to recognize
the Voice of the Holy Ghost
• How to follow His voice
by yielding to the the Holy Spirit.
When you help us to continue to
provide these FREE teachings to the body of Christ by donating $12 to BibleCities Christian Fellowship we
will send you free of charge the complete teaching of "Yielding
to the Spirit" on Audio CD! You can even make copies of it and
pass it to your friends! To donate online and receive your CD
click either button below. |
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Send your $12 check or money order to:
BibleCities Christian Fellowship International
PO Box 40
Getzville, NY 14068
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your request for Special Offer #YTTS001
(Yielding to the Spirit)
Receive BOTH CDs of the Move of the Spirit:
With your donation of
only $18.00
(a $24.00 value)
CD #1] "Understanding the Anointings"
CD #2] "Yielding to the Spirit" |
This powerful 2 part series is a must for anyone seeking to learn how to
move in the Spirit.
request both CDs by Mail
send your request for Special Offer #MOTS001-2
(The Move of the Spirit) 2 CD's: $18.00
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In addition to his contributions to this website Reverend W. C. Slyde Moran also has a weekly television
show • Online Audio Studies • and an ever-increasing outreach ministry providing free Audio teachings on CD to enable the growth and
maturing of the body of Christ.