The Power of the Sword of the Spirit: How
to wage spiritual warfare and overcome, defeat and gain the victory
over the devil, Satan, and the world every time! (Portions of this study are taken from Sparkling Gems of the Greek:
by Rick Renner.)
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or Fiction: Part 1 [Mp3 Format - 66.9 mg]
• Waging Spiritual
• How to Defeat Satan Every Time!
• Victory over the Devil.
• What is the Sword of the Spirit?
• What Does the Bible Say About Defeating the Devil:
• How Can I Defeat the Devil: Satan?
These are the questions that so many Christians are asking? And the answer to all of these is found in Scripture.
"Above all, having taken up the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked... And taking up the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" [Eph 6: 16-17]
Yes, we have a weapon! It is called the 'Sword of the Spirit' which is the
Word of God. And, that sword wields so much POWER that it is able to save us to the uttermost. All we need to do us use it the way we have been instructed. Unfortunately so many Christians have either misplaced their sword - or simply allowed it to become dull and ineffective.
Imagine a person living in a country surrounded by enemies on every side. He knows that they are there - but he doesn't know exactly when - where - or how the enemy might attack him. Actually, truth be told - this individual isn't even aware that the enemy WILL attack him! Nor does he realize that although the attack is aimed at him - it may come indirectly thru his family, his business, his house, his crops, etc.
You see, when he entered into the land - he was given a mighty sword to defend himself in the event of an attack - and this sword is more than powerful enough to beat off any attack that might come. The problem is - he doesn't know where it is!
Yes, he moved into the county with great intent and purpose. But once he had beaten the enemy off - he laid his sword down believing the battle over - and even worse, he promptly forgot where the sword was.
And so, once the enemy notices that this person has been lulled into a false sense of security - they attack! And what happens? Well, this poor fellow begins running around screaming to his family and friends: "Has anybody seen my Sword?"
And, all the while the enemy is pounding him unmercifully - stealing his goods, robbing his health, wearing him out, destroying his family, ruining his business, causing chaos in his marriage - all because he can't find his sword!
Finally, after looking desperately for it - it finds it! - But when He picks it up he notices that the sword that was once a sparkling, strong and razor-sharp weapon - has become dull and rusty from neglect and lack of use. Sadly he realizes that it will have very little effect on the marauding enemy as it is - and he may not have the time to sharpen it or strengthen it before the enemy completely destroys him.
It does sound foolish doesn't it? I can imagine everyone if us shaking our heads in disbelief and saying to ourselves: "How could anybody be that foolish?"
But, that's exactly how so many Christians treat the Word of God. They think that they can neglect the Word of God - "the Sword of the Spirit" - and then expect to wield it effectively against the attacks of the enemy, when in fact it has become dull and lacking power in their lives all because of neglect and lack of use.
Instead of the Word of God "living" inside of them - it is laying hidden somewhere in the Bible. And instead of being able to immediately draw the sword and use it - they have to go searching around in the Bible for it - or asking others for help finding their sword - before they can even use it!
These people have been lulled into a false sense of security that somehow - some way -
God is going to come down and fight the fight for them!
I know that this is going to come as a shock to many people - but that's just not going to happen! That kind of thinking isn't
Even experience should have taught them by now that those kinds of thoughts are deceptions of the enemy. But unfortunately, they keep on believing those lies - and they keep getting caught by surprise - and they keep getting the tar beat out of them - all the while looking for their sword!
You see - we are the ones who are supposed to be doing the fighting: God has commanded us to:
"Fight the good fight of faith" [1Tm 6:12]
It is we - not God - that are commanded to: "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." [James 4:7]
It is we - not God - that are commanded to:
"…resist the devil steadfast in the faith.." [1Pt 5:9]
In other words - we do the fighting by using the 'sword of the Spirit!
"Above all, having taken up the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked... And taking up the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God"
[Eph 6: 16-17]
There are three things I want to draw your attention to in this scripture: Notice the phrase: "above all". This is a combination of Greek Words ['epi' and 'pas'].
-- The Greek word 'epi' means: 'above, over, in addition to'.
-- The Greek word 'pas' means: 'all, every, each'.
When used in conjunction with each other they bring forth the meaning of: "in addition to all the others". However, in this particular passage it also conveys the meaning of "making sure to use along with all others".
So then this portion could be translated:
"In addition to all the other things mentioned - having taken up the shield of faith, so you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked... make sure to take up the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God"
"Above all, having taken up the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked... And taking up the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God"
The next thing I want you to notice is the phrase: "having taken up": This is a compound Greek Word: 'analambano'. It is a combination of the Greek Words: 'ana' meaning 'repetition' or 'repeatedly' - and the word 'lambano' meaning to 'seize, take up, and hold onto'.
Therefore we are to repeatedly and continually 'take up" these things!
This portion could be more accurately translated:
"Above all, having taken up, continually seizing and holding onto the shield of faith - you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked... And make sure to take up the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God"
"Above all, having taken up, seizing and continually holding onto the shield of faith - you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked... And make sure to take up the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God"
Pay attention to the term "make sure to take up" - or in the King James "taking up".
The Greek word used here is: 'dechomai' - also meaning to take up, pick up, seize, and lay hold of.
The important thing to note in the use of this word - is that the word as used here - is used in what is called the 'middle voice'". The English language does not have a 'middle voice' - so it is very difficult to translate this properly into English - however the most accurate translation of the Greek Middle Voice is one that denotes a continual occurring of the event.
As in the first portion of the verse - this denotes the fact that we are to continually 'take up' the helmet of salvation - AND the Sword of the Spirit (notice the "and" after the helmet of salvation") - this means that we are not only to continually take up the helmet of salvation - but the sword of the Spirit as well.
This portion could be more accurately translated:
"…And make sure to take up, seize, and continually hold onto - and keep taking up, keep seizing, keep holding onto the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of
This entire passage might easily be rendered like this:
"In addition to all the other things mentioned, having taken up, seizing and continually holding onto the shield of faith - you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked... And make sure to take up, seize, and continually hold onto - and keep taking up, keep seizing, keep holding onto the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God"
So then - do you know where your sword is?
Is the Word of God living richly in you as we are commanded to do in Col. 3:16 - or are you one of those foolish people who don't know the Word of God - and have to go desperately searching in the Bible for it - or asking others to draw their swords to defend you when you are attacked?
If that sounds like you - it's time to repent - and begin to do what each of us is commanded to do - for our own good:
"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed…" [2Tm 2:15]
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom"
[Col 3:16]
God will honor your attempts to obey him - and he will help you - and the next time the enemy tries to attack you he will find a mighty warrior of God waiting with a razor-sharp weapon ready to destroy every attack he tries to bring against you!
Lord, thank You for teaching me that the Sword of the Spirit is the WORD OF GOD - and a mighty weapon that you have given me to ward off the attacks of the enemy. Forgive me for neglecting it in the past - and help me to be more aware of the priceless value it holds - and the power it wields when it is sharpened and used in faith.
Now that I know this, please help me keep this in mind whenever my thoughts might lead me to neglect the Word of God, or become slack in my study of it.
I ask you also to help me by giving me greater understanding of the Word when I read it - and thereby increasing its power in my life!
I pray this in Jesus' Name - Amen!
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