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What To Do To Go To Heaven:


• Is there really a heaven? 
• Is
heaven real?
• What is
• Where is
• Who goes to
• Am I going to

These are questions that people ask themselves (and others) often.
And having the correct answers to these questions may determine where you spend eternity.

The simple truth is: There is a heaven. Heaven is a real place. 
Unfortunately sin is not allowed into heaven - and therefore anybody who has sinned is prohibited from entering heaven..

That means that there is no one who qualifies for entrance into heaven simply because they have been a 'good person' - or have had 'good intentions'. Entrance into heaven is reserved only for those people whose sins have been forgiven and removed.

There is an Answer:
When Jesus went to the cross, He suffered for sin (our wrong-doings that separate us from God). Even if you're a relatively good person, you've still sinned because you were born as a "sinner" - therefore your are separated from God, without any way to have a real relationship with Him.

  • The first step toward heaven is to admit that you have sinned, that you are helpless to reach God (or heaven) on your own.

    "Everyone has sinned. No one measures up to God's glory." (Romans 3:23)

Fortunately, God had a great plan to restore us to Himself. He let His only Son become a man and take the punishment for sin that we rightly deserved. Only Jesus could have done this, because only Jesus lived a sinless life. No one else could ever qualify to do what Jesus did.

  • The second step toward heaven is to agree that Jesus is God's answer for sin, and that He's the only way to God.

    "God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life." (John 3:16)

Notice that God gave His Son. Salvation through Jesus is a free gift that can never be earned by any good deeds of our own. We must simply receive Jesus as God's provision for sin. 

  • The third step toward heaven is to accept Jesus by faith as your Lord and Savior. God has promised that everyone who calls upon the Lord Jesus Christ and admits that they have sinned, agrees that that Jesus is the only way to God, and accepts Jesus by faith as Lord and Savior: will receive eternal life.

    "Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved" (Romans 10:13)

    You can easily do this by praying a prayer such as this one from your heart:

    "Dear God, I see that my sins have separated me from You and I repent of sin. Thank You that you loved me so much that You sent Jesus to suffer and die on my behalf, so that I could receive eternal life. I believe Jesus died for me and rose again, and I receive Him as my Savior right now. Jesus, You are my Lord and I'll live for You from this day on. Thank You, Father for saving me!"

    If you prayed this prayer, then we know He heard you and saved you because you didn't act on some man's opinion, you acted on God's holy Word.

    "Say with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord." Believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead. Then you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)

Congratulations on making the best and most important decision you could ever make - you chose life! 

There's a fourth step we want you to be sure to take. Announce your decision to follow Jesus. Contact us so we can rejoice with you. We'd also like to send you some free materials to help you get started in your Christian life.

Share with your friends your decision to follow Jesus. They can take the same steps you took - Admit, Agree, Accept - and receive eternal life also!

Special thanks to Pastor Joel Siegel & Good News Family Church for excerpts used in this article.





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