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Bible Study: What's Your Most Important Weapon?


Portions of this study are taken from Sparkling Gems of the Greek: by Rick Renner.

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Scripture Study:
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth...." [Ephesians 6:14]

How would you like God to give you a weapon that can rip to shreds the devil's strategies against you? Call it a doomsday weapon for the devil and his minions!

Every Christian knows (or should know) that we have been supplied with what the Bible calls: "The Armor of God". [Ephesians 6:11].

Most are acquainted with the 'shield of faith' and of course the 'sword of the Spirit'. Some also are at least familiar with the 'breastplate of righteousness' as well as the 'helmet of salvation'. But most pay little (if any) attention to the other two pieces namely: The 'loin-belt' and the 'shoes' (Preparation of the Gospel).

It is important to note that the Word of God instructs us to put on the whole armor of God - and not just part of it! Why? Because each piece has an important function of its own - and if we want to attain victory in battles that come upon us in this life it is necessary that we are clothed with the whole armor of God.

Today I want to discuss the piece of armor referred to as the 'loin-belt'. I hope that this study will help you in gaining a greater victory over the tests and trials that come your way.

A loin belt didn't look important::
Roman soldiers were dressed in beautiful armor! From head to toe, they were covered with various pieces of weaponry that were designed to protect them and equip them for fighting. But of all these pieces, one piece was more important than all the others. That vital and most important piece of weaponry was the Roman soldier's loin-belt

Certainly no soldier would have written home and told his parents, "Wow, I've got the most incredible loin-belt!" He might have told them about his shield, his sword, or his breastplate, but no one got excited about the loin-belt. Nevertheless, it was the Roman soldier's most important piece of weaponry. 

Why was this so? 
The answer is that the loin-belt held all of the other pieces of weaponry together. If a loin belt wasn't in place, he was in big trouble.

This is even true with modern clothing. 
For example, the belt I wear around my waist is not something people notice. They might mention my tie, my suit, my shirt, my sweater, and even my shoes. But to date, I've never had anyone walk up to me and say with excitement, "Wow, what a belt!" However, my belt is very important! If I removed it, I'd find out how important it is, because my pants would fall off! That makes my belt quite a vital part of my attire!

The loin-belt holds it all together:
In the same way, the Roman soldier's loin-belt was the piece of armor that held all the other pieces together - with the exception of his shoes. His sword hung in a scabbard that was clipped to the side of his loin-belt. When not in use, his shield was hung on a special dip on the other side of his loin-belt. The pouch that carried his arrows rested on a small ledge attached to his loin-belt on his backside. Even his breastplate was attached in some places to his loin-belt.

Accordingly, the soldier's ability to use his other pieces of weaponry depended on his loin-belt. If he had no loin-belt, he had no place to attach his massive shield or to hang his sword. Without a loin-belt, there was nothing to rest his lance upon and nothing to keep his breastplate from flapping in the wind. The armor of a Roman soldier would literally come apart, piece-by-piece, if he didn't have the loin-belt around his waist.

Your Most Important Weapon:
Do you can see why the loin belt was absolutely essential to the Roman soldier in order for him to be confident in battle? 

With that belt securely fastened, he could be assured that all the other pieces of his equipment would stay in place, enabling him to move quickly and fight with great fury.

Thus, the loin-belt was the most vital part of all the weaponry the Roman soldier wore. Now consider all this in light of Ephesians 6:14, where Paul says, "Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth...." 

For the child of God, the loin-belt of his spiritual armor is the written 'Word of God' - the truth.

•  The Breastplate: When God's Word has a central place in your life, you will have a sense of righteousness that covers you like a mighty breastplate. 

•  The Helmet: When God's Word dominates your thinking, it gives you peace that protects your mind like a powerful helmet from the attacks of the adversary.

•  The Shield: When God's Word dominates your thinking, it enables you to fend off the powerful attacks of the enemy like a shield.

•  The Sword: When God's Word is spoken in faith, it gives you the sword you need - that 'rhema' word quickened to your heart by the Holy Spirit.

The Shoes: As long as you have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel (walking in the Word of God) you can literally stomp right over the enemy whenever he tries tog et in your way!

•  The Loin-belt: As long as the loin-belt of truth - the Word of God - is central in your life, the rest of your spiritual armor will be effective. 

But the moment you begin to ignore God's Word and cease to apply it to your life on a daily basis, you'll start to lose your sense of righteousness and peace. You'll find that the devil will start attacking your mind more and more, trying to fill it with lies and vain imaginations. 

You see, when you remove God's Word from its rightful place at the very core of your life, it won't be long until you will begin to spiritually come apart at the seams!

If you want to stay clothed in your spiritual armor, you must begin by taking up God's Word and permanently affixing it to your life. You must give the Word a central place and dominant role in your life, allowing it to be the loin-belt that holds the rest of your weaponry together.

So as you go about your daily routine today and every day, keep your 'loin-belt of truth' fully attached and operative in every situation you face. Let the Bible be the governor, the law, the ruler, the final say-so" in your life!

Prayer For Today:
Lord, I know that Your Word is the most important weapon you have given to me. Forgive me for the times I have not made it a priority in my life. Today I make the decision to never ignore Your Word again. Holy Spirit, help me stay true to this decision. Please remind me every day to open my Bible, and take the time needed to wrap that Word around my life!

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