Your Words Have Authority!
Have Your Ever Wondered?
• How Do I Take Authority Over the Devil (Satan)?
• Did God Give man Authority?
• How Do I Release My Faith?
• How Do I get God To Move In My Life?
• What Authority Does the Believer Have in Christ?
• How Do Defeat the Devil (Satan)?
• How Does Faith Work?
• What is the secret to Spiritual Authority?
Brothers and Sisters,
These are the questions that so many people are asking? And the answer to all of these is found in Scripture.
Find out what the Bible says about your words, and how
to release power and authority just by speaking properly!

following is a brief summary of the
complete audio teaching:
"Your Words Have Authority": taken from from the
Series: "Glory • Power • Dominion".

Listen to the complete message on CD and
discover the
life-changing Biblical principals
of how to access the power of God thru
your words.
Click here for

Scripture Reference:
"For all the promises of God in him are
yes, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us." [2Cor:1:20]
You Have Authority & Power:
Did you know that regardless of what others say and do, you have the
spiritual authority to rise above their actions and words! [Job 22:28]
As a matter of fact - not even the devil himself can resist or thwart the plans of a child of God when he or she
uses the authority that God has placed in their hands! [Luke 10:19 • Mt:16:19]
Releasing Your Faith:
Your faith can change your world! But no matter how great your faith is - you must
first release your faith if it is going to change the circumstances that are affecting you negatively.
God has not only given you dominion over your life (the power and the authority to govern and control) - but He has also commissioned
you to subdue (to bring low and utterly defeat) those things that are not in agreement with His will for you [Genesis 1:26-28]
God made you and I in His 'likeness' (just like Him) and 'image' and He gave
us the same ability to change things that He has by using the most powerful force in the known universe: FAITH! (The absolute trust and confidence in God's Word).
Are You Using The 'God' Kind of Faith?
Read Genesis Chapter 1 and Heb:11:3 carefully and notice
how God created everything that exists.
How did He do it? He SPOKE it - and BELIEVED that His WORDS had the power to change things from what they
were (nothing) to what He wanted (Light - The Heavens and The Earth - The Oceans - Life - Mankind - Etc)
Mark 11:22-23 exhorts us to have that same KIND of Faith: The kind that God has: In
other words, believe that our WORDS can - and will - bring forth the changes we want in our life and bring circumstances into line with the will of God for our life - our country - our planet
Jesus Promised & God Says Yes!
And what's more - we are assured that "all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us." [2Cor:1:20]
In other words, Jesus stated clearly in Mark 11:22 that "Faith in
God" is BELIEVING what He has said about us and
our words! And then He went on to reassure us that His promise (as with every other promise is
YES and AMEN (so be it) in Him!
YOU Have Authority & YOU
Shall Decree:
"Behold, I give unto YOU power (Authority) over serpents and scorpions (demonic powers), and over all the power of the enemy (even Satan): and nothing shall by any means hurt you." [Lk:10:19]
"YOU shall also decree a thing and it shall be established unto you and so light will shine on your ways. When they cast you down and
YOU SAY 'Exaltation shall come!" then He shall save the humble person." [Job 22:28-29]
"Truthfully I say unto you, Whatsoever YOU shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever
YOU shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." [Mt:18:18]
"Let us hold fast the profession (Confession) of our faith without wavering (the words that
we speak); (for he is faithful that promised;)" [Heb:10:23]
"Cast not away therefore your confidence (faith and trust in Him and His promises), which has great
recompense (promise) of reward (results)." [Heb:10:35]
YOUR Confession of Faith:
Notice that according to the scriptures above that it is
our WORDS when spoken in faith that bring about the changes that we desire.
Too many Christians are still asking God to make the changes when God has given
us the authority and the commission to do so ourselves
in His name. [Job 22:28 • MK 11:22-23 • Matt 17:20 • Luke 17:6]
Too many Christians are still asking God to get the devil off of them when God has given
us the authority to rebuke Satan and his demons in the name of
Jesus. [Jms:4:7 • Matt 18:18 • Like 10:19 • Mk:16:17]
Say 'Yes' to his Promises:
Brethren, YOUR confession of faith is your "yes" to His promises. Remember:
"Whatever YOU bind on earth will be bound in heaven - whatever YOU loose on earth will be loosed in
heaven". [Matt 18:18]
YOU have been given authority on earth to decree God's will and He will back it up in heaven! God gave
man dominion (the power and authority to govern and control) for a holy purpose [Genesis 1:26-28] - And each of us has an opportunity to be used by God to speak His will and declare His desires on Earth. [Matt 6:10]
Take Authority &
Regain Dominion & Control:
Do not allow circumstances or the words and actions of
others to stop you from releasing your faith by speaking what God has said in His Word - and
believing that YOUR words will come to pass.
Jesus said "Have Faith in God". Begin to
believe what GOD has said instead of what others may say or how circumstances may appear.
Jesus promised us: "whosoever (that's YOU) shall
say even to this mountain, Be removed, and be cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but believes that the things which
he says shall come to pass; he will have whatever he
says." [MK 11:23]
Study these scriptures and ask God for revelation on them. Begin today
to exercise the authority that God has given
God Himself has promised that these promises are YES and AMEN - and so you can be assured that when you begin to
apply the principal of speaking in faith that you will see the promised manifestation of God's power in your life!

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Series of Glory • Power • Dominion: |
With your donation of
only $25.00
(a $40.00 value)
CD #1] Taking Dominion
CD #2] Reigning By Faith
CD #3] Your Words Have Authority
CD #4] It Shall Come to Pass |

This powerful 4 part series will teach you the Biblical Truths
regarding our Authority in Christ and how to exercise that
authority over the devil, sickness, lack, pain, affliction, and
anything else that interferes with our rightful place of
blessing and abundance in Christ.
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In addition to his contributions to this website Reverend W. C. Slyde Moran also has a weekly television
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maturing of the body of Christ.